Dual Purpose: Making Your Home a Workspace Without Losing the Relaxation


When work and home are in the same place, it’s hard to separate the two in your mind. You need the functionality of a workspace with the warmth of home. It takes some thought and attention to detail, but balancing both is possible. With the right paint colors, distinct boundaries between spaces, office optimization, and essential oils you’ll be surprised at what a difference it will make. Today, Joshua Alan Interiors has some great tips and resources to get you started.

Choose the Right Paint Colors

Did you know that the color saturation on your walls can actually affect your mood? For your office, you want something that is somewhat relaxing but conducive to productivity. A few options include teal, gray, purple, and green. If you don’t have an actual room for an office, try painting the wall your desk faces.

For the rest of your home, try choosing colors that correlate with beloved items in your home. For instance, if your favorite painting has pops of blue, try emulating this with the wall color. Choose items and colors that bring you joy and comfort; cool blues for your bedroom and warm yellows for the kitchen, maybe.

Separate the Workspace

To maintain the balance between work and home, you’ll need to separate out the office somehow. If your house doesn’t have official office space, try converting an extra bedroom or even a closet, as illustrated by This Old House. Pick a place with a door if possible; the more you can cut off the workspace, the better. Create a rule that if the door is shut, you aren’t to be disturbed.


If no door is available, there are still ways to cordon off your space. Privacy dividers are an excellent option because they come in all kinds of designs and you can work them into the décor. You could even hang a curtain from the ceiling.


These separate areas will not only help with work, they’ll help you shut down and walk away from it at the end of the day. Then, you can go to the main space and relax.

Optimize the Workspace

We wanted these two spaces to feel luxurious yet understated, so we chose a neutral color scheme with blue incorporated here and there. The beige walls, tiles, and vanity cabinets contributed to the relaxing yet cohesively clean look. 

Obviously, you want to make your workspace as effective as possible. Start with lighting. The more natural light, the better. Work at or near a window when possible. You may need to install more lighting around the house, including floor and ceiling lamps. Consider adding a decorative pendant light directly above your desk for more targeted lighting, especially in a small space. As with dividers, you can take the opportunity to explore the different styles, shapes, and finishes to match your existing décor.


You should also come up with a proper storage system for your paper and digital records. Everything in your office should have an organization system, especially your records. Create both tangible filing cabinets and digital folders and take the time to sort carefully. It will be time-consuming but worth it.


Don’t just stop with optimizing your workspace, either. A range hood in your kitchen will get you lots more fresh air! Extra shelves in your basement or garage can help you eliminate clutter, as well.

Use Essential Oils


Studies vary in results, but many people find essential oils to be helpful in their lives. You can choose from reed, electric, or candle diffusers to create an atmospheric scent. Johns Hopkins Medicine notes that lemon oil is often a mood booster, which could be a great selection for the office area.


Use other scents in other areas of the house correlating with their effects. Lavender is thought to bring relaxation and restful sleep, making it a good option for the bedroom. Peppermint’s cool scent is believed to be energizing and stimulating, a smart choice for the kitchen.


Having varying scents around the house creates a sense of boundaries. You’ll want to associate one positive aroma for your office and others with the rest of the house.


Admittedly, making your home into a place of relaxation as well as a workspace is tricky. Still, don’t be discouraged. By using smart paint colors, separating out the office, optimizing the workspace, and using essential oils, you can create both atmospheres in one home.


Joshua Alan Carpluk is an interior designer serving Boston and the surrounding areas. Joshua Alan Interiors is dedicated to providing our clients with an engaging experience. Our belief is to design an interior where form equals function, enhancing the quality of your life. Call 857.264.0223.

Written By: Bruce Fletcher